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Which Life Belongs to YOU? |
Yesterday was my semi-annual check up with my Oncologist
over at The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. As of June of 2015
I will be celebrating my 5th Cancer-free Anniversary. This is a big deal because when you have been
diagnosed with cancer, they watch you closely for the first 5 years to make
sure you don’t have a recurrence. I knew
I wouldn’t have a recurrence because God healed me. I am *not* in remission, I am healed. God
healed me. Still, always the night before I feel anxious and unable to sleep - because no one expects to face a life threatening illness in the first place - it is not something one "plans for." And all kinds of memories come flooding back prior to each follow-up appointment any survivor (and I think I can speak for my other pink sisters in this regard) can vouch for this and relate to what I am saying, it is not easy to go back through those doors...
The sad news is that while I was going through my slew of
doctor’s appointments (trying to fit them all in one day) and rejoicing in the fact that my blood work and labs showed that I was indeed cancer-free; ironically and sadly a shooting was getting ready to occur directly across the street at Brigham & Women's Hospital, from where my appointments for the morning had taken place.
Allegedly, a gentleman (whose mother had apparently undergone
cardiovascular surgery in November of 2014 and had died) entered the hospital
looking for her surgeon, shot him and then turned the gun on himself.
I am quite sure that when that surgeon had woken up yesterday
morning he had had no idea that this would be his last day of life. Sadly and tragically, he died from the
wounds. My heart goes out to his family
as he was someone’s husband, the father of three young children and his wife is 7 months pregnant with their fourth child on the way. I am praying for that family…
Here I was rejoicing over the news that I am healed and well and
(after my appointment this June) will go from having to see my oncologist once
every 6 months to once a year, right across the street from where I was - a highly respected and young,talented surgeon died
from an absolute senseless act of violence.
*None* of us are promised tomorrow. Although we live like we are. We live like tomorrow is owed to us. It is not.
Someone recently asked me if, when I had been diagnosed, I
had thought I was going to die. The
question caught me off guard and I had to really think about it before I
answered. The answer, was no. Not once did I think about dying. Why?
Because my focus was not on “dying”
but on fighting to live. Each second,
each minute, each hour, each day as I underwent a lumpectomy, chemotherapy and
radiation; if I had focused on dying – I would have lost the ability to fight
to live. And believe me, that is a big
part of going through treatment.
I think the other thing is the fact that I know Who it is my
trust is in. The Bible tells me:
“The number of my days He will fulfill.” (Exodus 23:26)
So I trusted that. It
also tells me :
“To live is Christ, to die is to gain.” (Philippians 1:21)
My mind would not go there.
I had to do my part in my treatment – and that was focusing and fighting
to live. If I had given up, I most
definitely would have died.
One of the most wonderful things about being a Christian, is
knowing that my faith does not lie within myself.
“The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God
is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my
stronghold.” (Psalm 18:2)
Jesus told a parable about the wise and foolish builders it
went like this:
“Therefore everyone who hears these words
of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on
the rock. The
rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that
house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.
But everyone who hears
these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man
who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds
blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.”
(Matthew 7:24-27)
My hopes are built on nothing less than
Jesus love and faithfulness. On Christ
my mighty rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand. All other ground is sinking sand… (This is a song by the way... I did not write those lyrics... LOL)
I have learned (and am still learning) not
to trust in myself – but to trust in God. He holds my life in His hands, I do not hold my life at all.
The Bible tells me:
“The steps of the righteous are ordained by
Him.” (Psalm 37:23)
(***Let me also mention that the righteousness that the above scripture is talking about - is Christ righteousness - not mine. WE cannot be and have NO righteousness except for what Jesus did for us by shedding His precious blood on the cross). The Bible also tells us that:
"Our righteousness is as filthy rags." (Isaiah 64:4)
I’m not saying it’s always easy. It’s not.
I’m not saying I don’t struggle from time to time. I do! But my faith and my trust is not in and of
myself (or any other person for that matter).
My faith and my trust is in God and what His Word says.
Who is your faith and trust in? What do you believe and why?
Not one of us is going to live forever –
even though we have a natural desire to do so – but the truth is, each day is a
precious, precious gift. Cancer was just
a chapter in my life – FIVE YEARS AGO – but it is one that changed the course
of my life and my way of thinking forever.
I never take any day for granted (good or bad). I have learned to savor each day – as if it
was a tasty meal put before me because I know that tomorrow – it could be
gone. I thank God each morning for “each
blank page of life He gives me to write upon” and I choose to write well! What are you choosing to write upon the pages
of your life that God so graciously gives you?
Isn’t it time you thought about
what type of foundation your “house” has been built upon? If you were diagnosed with cancer or some
terminal illness tomorrow what or who would be your strength? We tend to put such thoughts out of our head
because “we don’t want to think about them.”
But the truth is that bad things happen to people of ALL ages all the
time. Since Adam and Eve sinned in the
garden of Eden it brought upon the curses that God said it would, which
include, sickness, illness and disease – the results of sin is death. But the wonderful thing is that:
“God so loved the world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall NOT perish but have
ever lasting life!” (John 3:16)That is the rock upon which my house is built. That is the One my faith is in. Think about this. That dear cardiovascular surgeon did not go to work that day thinking that it would be his last. Yet it was. (Please pray for his family…) While God tells us the number of our days He will fulfill He doesn’t necessarily tell us when that number will be up.
Maybe it’s time you looked at the foundation you are building upon and determine whether it is on solid ground or sinking sand? It’s a thought well worth having…
1 comment:
I see you as a champion rather than a survivor. Great inspiration.
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