

It has now been ten years since I started this blog. How quickly time goes by! We are many members but we are one in the body of Christ. Therefore you do not journey alone! Hopefully through this site you will be encouraged by the fact that many things you are going through in your own walk, others are going through (or have gone through) as well. Sometimes we think we are "going through things alone." But we are not. God said that "He would Never Leave Nor Forsake Us." (Hebrews 13:5) and that "There is Nothing New Under The Sun." (Ecclesiastes 1:9). No man is an island. It's easy to forget that. May the words in this blog help you to think, encourage you in whatever spiritual state you are in and may the Lord use them to help us to grow in Him! He is the Author and Finisher of our faith!

I don’t want any readers to think that I am “promoting” being a prodigal. I definitely am not. But what I am hoping to do – is to encourage those of us who either have had or are currently experiencing a hard time in our walk to be honest about it. Personal conviction is a powerful thing, especially if you truly love the Lord. I think that sometimes the Body of Christ critiques and judges to the point where the person who is at the other end of that pointing finger feels ostracized, alienated and alone. I don't think that that is what Jesus intended. When I read through my Bible - I see a firm yet gentle restoration that Jesus ministered to those around Him. Look at John 21:15-19. When Peter who was at an all time low point in his walk - he was firmly, yet lovingly restored by Jesus. He didn't tear him down, or yell or make him feel any worse then he already did. He spoke to him lovingly and gently - and in doing so, Peter was able to repent and minister in a much more powerful, humble and confident way and it became one of the largest ministries ever.

Please note that I am only a vessel, my calling - to write. I dedicate this blog to the Lord and ask that He use it to reach out and touch whoever needs a special, loving, personal touch from Him. My hope is that the Holy Spirit allows you to see Him through the words (and not me). We go through things so that we can extend our right hand of fellowship behind us to assist and help someone else. Our Bible is the same today, as it was yesterday as it will be tomorrow. (I am far from perfect and do not profess to have all the answers...) but the good news is - Our Heavenly Father does! His love, forgiveness, grace and mercy is real!Nothing you are experiencing in your walk comes as a surprise to Him! May He be glorified through this blog and may God bless you at whatever stage in your walk you are in!~

I am a Breast Cancer Survivor

I am a Breast Cancer Survivor
I was diagnosed with early stage triple negative breast cancer on June 24th, 2010 - I have been cancer free for 10 years now. It was only a chapter in my life - NOT my life, but the impact is one that has changed my life forever. Its important for women to know that 80% of the breast cancer diagnosis come from women who don't have a history of it in their family (My family didn't). Early detection is the key. For more information please click on the pink ribbon above. It could save your life.
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December 23, 2014


"Oh What a Tangled Web We Weave, When First We Practice to Deceive!"
~ Sir Walter Scott

Even if he did say so himself, the web was magnificent, translucent and large. The design beautifully created, although unless you were of his species you would not be able to appreciate its intricate design, the time it had taken and extreme care that had gone into its making.  Now to sit and wait, it would only be a matter of time…

She was beautifully stupid.  It didn’t occur to her that she should stop and think before proceeding.  Like a mermaid’s siren, she was seduced by it and had to follow where it led.   Where was it coming from? Who was singing it? The song was lovely; it filled her with wonder and curiosity which over ruled common sense.  It was magical and fascinating and beautiful all at the same time.  She was mesmerized; willingly she followed it like a sleep walker only awake.
“What is your pleasure?” Whispered a seductive voice in her ear, “tell me my love and I shall give you everything your heart desires.”  She believed it.  She delighted in it, not once did she ever question the source.  “What have you always wanted and never had?  Come away with me…” It enticed her.  She went forward.  She did not see a web, she saw a beautifully intricate pathway that glistened like diamonds and silver, it filled her with wonder, delight and pleasure at the very sight of it.  The closer she walked towards it the more dim the problems and dilemmas and disappointments of her daily life dimmed.  Like a moth attracted to light, she walked towards it.  It filled her with desire, it filled her with pleasure, and it filled her with wonder. “Yes, that’s it.  Come to me my darling, closer still and I will reach out my hand to you.”
Red flag warnings came up in her mind that made her stop and hesitate for just one moment  but the temptation to find out what was ahead was stronger. She had to touch it, as she reached out to touch it her hand got caught on the web and the harder she tried to free herself the more caught she became.  First it was her hand, and then it was her wrist, her forearm.  The more she struggled for freedom the more stuck she became and it reeled her in like fish caught on a line until there she hung upon the web, full bodied.  The stars that had blinded her fell like scales from her eyes and she realized how ugly a situation she had allowed herself in.
Out of the corner he stepped out into the light revealing himself in his true form, which was nothing how she had pictured him to be.  He walked over to her and laughed a diabolical laugh, delighted that his scheme had succeeded.
“Welcome to my web of deception.”  He said, tilting his head to the side.  “Truly the connotation of you each being like dumb sheep is accurate.  It never ceases to amaze me how gullible you are.  It is almost too easy sometimes…  What is it the spider said to the fly? ‘Come into my parlor?’ and she did.”  He threw his head back and laughed.
She struggled to free herself, entangling herself further.
He studied her with interest, “A fighter, are you? Unfortunately for you, you walked into this situation of your own good and perfect will and now you are truly stuck… I’ve a few other traps I need to check upon, so sit tight.” He barked out a laugh and melted back into the darkness.
Oh how stupid she felt to have fallen for such a farce. The more she struggled the more the web held her tight.  Why hadn’t she heeded the red flagged warnings?  What to do?  What to do?

The spirit of depression came over her as she felt deflated like an airless balloon.  All her sins and faults danced before her mind, taunting her, cajooling and mocking her. 
“Pray,” came a whisper.
She hesitated and looked in the direction he had disappeared, she was afraid to respond out loud for fear he would hear her and return.  “I feel so stupid; I don’t know what to pray.” She thought.  “I knew better yet I never saw this coming.  How something that sounded so beautiful could be so deceptive.”
"And no wonder, for satan himself masquerades as an angel of light." (2 Corinthians 11:14)
"Did you think he would come in a manner you would recognize? That would have been too easy... "Came the soft response.  "That is why it says:"
"Be as wise wise as serpents as an innocent as doves." (Matthew 10:16) 
"Perhaps I should just give up then... I can't free myself."
"No you cannot, but the good news is He came to set the captives free. Pray..."

Taking a deep hesitating and shaky breath, she prayed:

"Father, I come before you praising you and thanking you that when I am weak you are made strong. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10) and that greater are You that is in me than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4).  I'm afraid I've made a mess of things and can't seem to find my way out.  You say in Your Word that whatever we bind on earth will be bound in Heaven and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in Heaven. (Matthew 18:18)  I ask that you would loose me from these chains that hold me fast in the precious name of Your Son, my Savior Jesus Christ. Forgive me for my sins and wash me with His precious blood, please help me to put my feet back on the pathway I should be on. I thank you that I can call on You for guidance and for help.  I thank you for your mercy, your grace and your love which sustains me.  In Jesus' name I pray. Amen."

As if sliced a part, the webs that held her released her, she was free.

"Now clothe yourself in your spiritual armor."

"Lord, I put on the helmet of salvation and the breast plate of righteousness.  Around my waist I put the belt of truth and I shod my feet with the preparation of the gospel.  I pick up my shield of faith and grab my sword of the Spirit." (Ephesians 6:10-18)

At that very moment, he returned.   "Nooooooooo!!!" He screamed when he saw she was free.  He charged at her, but she raised her shield in front of her and he came to an abrupt hault.

"Get behind me satan. I am a child of the Utmost High God.  I am covered with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I belong to him!"

As she boldly stood with her legs a part and her sword of the Spirit waving in one hand, shield of faith in the other he disappeared in front of her like a puff of smoke... "We will meet again..." he threatened as he vanished.

God had given her the strength to get through it, as the devil disappeared, so did her strength and she dropped her arms to her side, exhausted.

"Thank You Lord for  never leaving nor forsaking me, for giving me the strength I need at the moments I need it most."  Tucking her sword in it's sheild by her waist, and picking up her shield.  She wiped off the webbing residue from her shoulders and turned around to step back on the pathway she should never have departed, humbled but wiser and stronger in Him. And forward she proceeded.

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, pressing on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called her heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)
"Not by Power, Not by Might, but by My Spirit, Says the Lord."
(Zechariah 4:6)




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