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Where do your priorities lie? With the Creator or with His creation? Who are you trying to please? Things that should make you go hmmmmmm... |
All of the Disney Princess stories dictate that we should
teach our daughters that there is no better happiness (or “happily ever after”)
than running into the arms of a man and riding off with him on the back of a
horse off into a sunset. While true love
is certainly something worth looking forward to, the stories have it
wrong. The truth is our children should
FIRST be taught that there is no better relationship than falling head over heels
in love with one prince - the Prince of Peace.
What if we taught our children to sing love
songs to Him?
What if we encouraged our children to find
out who they are in Him?
To communicate with Him?
To grow in Him?
To develop a relationship with Him?What would this give our children? A confidence and desire in discovering who God created them to be. A true self - confidence, not as the world gives – but as God gives. It would teach them how beautiful they are in the eyes of their Heavenly Father. It would set the example of how we are to love, because no greater love is there than what God gave us through the shed blood of His son, Jesus Christ who died for forgiveness of our sins.
“God so
loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in
Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)
I saw a
great quote once. It said this:
“And when the prince reached the top of the
tower, he found an empty room because THIS princess wanted to have HER OWN
is no greater adventure a girl can have than discovering WHO she is in
Christ. It is an adventure that will
last ALL the days of her life. For we
are ever changing, ever growing, ever discovering and I believe we will until
He calls us home to be with Him.
For our
boys, learning to love God and look to Jesus as their example would show them
how to be the leaders that God has called them to be.
I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the
woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.” (1 Corinthians 11:3)
My own
personal opinion is that God made man the head of each household, but He made
woman the neck and everyone knows that the neck turns the head. J
most important relationship a girl first has is with her father. We live in an imperfect
world, in many circumstances a girl is in a situation where they have not/do
not have a healthy relationship with a male figure and it skewers what a
relationship with someone of the opposite sex should be like as that girl grows
into womanhood. One of the biggest
mistakes that occurs is when a girl believes her own self-worth is based upon
what someone of the opposite sex thinks of her or that she needs a guy to make
her happy. Instead of running after the
Creator she runs after his creation. I
would call this “putting the cart before the horse.” True self-worth can only
be found in knowing who you are in Christ FIRST. The truth is you cannot find self-worth in
the eyes of someone else, before you can learn to love someone else you need to
love yourself (be comfortable in your own skin) and know who you truly are.
those of us who are parents and have tried to instill a strong foundation and
love for God and His Word within our children, we must also realize that God
has only loaned our children to us. They
belong to HIM. Our duty is to “train
them up in the way they should go” (Proverbs 22:6) “and when they are old they
shall not depart from it.” (Proverbs 22:6 continued).
are times when we try and our children rebel and go against ALL we have taught
them to be. This is where our trust in
God has to come in. This is where we
recognize that while we can instill a foundation within our children with the
best of our ability, we cannot give them our faith. They have their own journey to
experience. They do not belong to US
they belong to God. We cannot give them
our walk with Him, they have to develop this on their own. Just as we have a “personal” relationship
with God, we have to allow them to have their own personal relationship with
God and this is where trust and prayer come in.
BEST thing you can do for your child is pray for them and remember that as much
as you love them, God loves them MORE and to remember that along with all the
other qualities God provided you with, He gave you free will. Just as you have free will, so do your
children. They have a choice. How hard it must be for God to see us make
choices that hurt us rather than help us. Wrong decisions instead of decisions
that would benefit us… How wonderful that God can turn around and use our “bad”
choices to glorify His work in spite of ourselves. Hopefully drawing us closer to Him in the
process… Trust your children to Him, even when you don’t see the “fruit” that
you would expect to see having raised them in a Christian home, because like a
seed you have planted in the ground, you cannot see on the surface what it is
that God is doing deep below. Keep
praying, keep hoping and keep believing – even when it seems as though your
prayers are in vain. Prayers are never
in vain. God hears each one. Sometimes we just have to give our
son/daughter to God and trust that God knows what He is doing, because He does
and sometimes He reveals it to us and sometimes He chooses not to.
"So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." (1 Corinthians 3:7)
"So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow." (1 Corinthians 3:7)
We live in a sinful world, one that does not teach the importance of having a personal relationship with God, so deciding to have a personal relationship and make Jesus your Lord and Savior goes against the grain of what the world is teaching, no wonder it is so hard for our children to keep their heads above the sewage of what the world dictates is important and calls how they have been raised or what they believe as “politically incorrect.” (Talk about peer pressure… Even grown -ups give in to it. You must hold yourself to the standard of “The Jones’” and if you don’t, you have fallen below the proverbial bar). Those poor Jones’, what constant pressure they must feel. Honestly, who is it more important to impress other adults or God? Because when they stand before Him, what has been deemed as ‘successful” in the eyes of the world and other adults will be mere rubbish to God and as far as my Word shows me – we stand before Him ALONE, taking nothing of this world with us, other people’s opinions won’t matter – all that will matter is what GOD thinks…
We have
it so wrong. We are so deceived. And oh
yes – make no mistake about it, I have seen Christians also take that “Jones’
mentality” into the church with them. If
you don’t belong to “this school” or join “this Bible study” you are “not” an “in”
Christian, or if you don’t live in “this community,” or socialize with “this
family” you must not have enough faith or be strong with your walk or “right”
with God. Or God forbid if you have “fallen”
or “sinned” or in “a prodigal state” (as if not all of us come up short every
day of our walk…). The dangerous part of
this is the church should be a place where you can fully get the support
and help you need for whatever point you are in your walk, for whatever you are
struggling with and whether or not other Christians admit it – we ALL have
things that we struggle with), what a shame that in most circumstances we don’t
feel as though we can confess or admit them to one another without being judged…
(Ouch… Someone just stopped reading this post…) It is a dangerous mentality to
have. How can a hurting church
successfully minister to the outside world without first trying to get their
own house in order? I believe this is
what the letters to the churches in the book of Revelations (Chapter 2) is all about. We ARE the body of Christ. If your finger feels pain – the whole body
feels it. (Honestly, think about the
annoying pain of a paper cut – who does not dread getting one of these???) We
are called to encourage each other and build each other up – not rejoice in
tearing one another down. There is no
perfect church – we won’t be “perfect” until Jesus returns. The church that acknowledges that they are
filled with “broken people” is the church that gets it. We are to walk in humility and the knowledge
that it is only the shed blood of Jesus Christ that differentiates us between
those that don’t know Jesus at all. And
with that being said, if God has blessed you with a Pastor who recognizes this
and encourages the body of Christ to be transparent and merciful and humble and
encourages what Jesus said was the greatest of the commandments:
the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor
as yourself.’”
(Matthew 22:37-38)
thank God for him and pray and support your pastor in whatever way needed,
because that is a pastor that as a friend of mine is in the habit of
saying over and over and over again “gets
it” and understands and is fulfilling the calling that God has given him watching
over His flock.
What else can we do?
We can walk humbly as Jesus did, looking to
Him as our example.
We can pray and ask for wisdom and guidance
and admit that we don’t have all of the answers, but recognize that we know who
it is that does.We can to the best of our ability give our children a strong spiritual foundation and pray that God will put in their lives people that will build upon it and help them grow and know their worth in Him.
The ironic thing is that one of our promises is:
"Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all else shall follow." (Matthew 6:33)
Who knows better than we do what that "all else" should be? (Be it a mate, be it provision, etc...) The thing is He desires us to seek HIM first.
best gift we can give our children is a strong foundation in Christ. To teach them to look to Him as their example
and IF they fail or fall or come short help them to understand that we ALL
fail, fall and come short and that God is there to pick them up and give
them a new beginning. It is nothing but
His grace, His mercy and His love that gets us from one part of our individual
journeys to the next. And who knows better than God what is around the next
corner? Things come as a surprise to us, but to the One who sees everything in
full, it never does.
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